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monogame:monogame [2024/10/10 13:58] – [Game Engine] mrvalentinemonogame:monogame [2024/10/10 13:58] (current) – [Tool Engine] mrvalentine
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 **Godot**: An open-source game engine that supports C# scripting. It provides a flexible scene system, a visual editor, and a variety of tools for 2D and 3D game development. **Godot**: An open-source game engine that supports C# scripting. It provides a flexible scene system, a visual editor, and a variety of tools for 2D and 3D game development.
-**FlatRedBall**: A game development platform built in C# that is perfect for 2D game development.+**FlatRedBall**: A game development platform built in C# that is perfect for 2D game development. It includes tools like Glue, which generates boilerplate code, and supports integration with popular formats like Tiled and Spriter.
 ==== Game Engine ==== ==== Game Engine ====
monogame/monogame.1728568709.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/10 13:58 by mrvalentine