====== External Game Jams and Competitions ====== List external game jams and competitions here, these are non MonoGame related events. Please use the guidance listed on the [[announcements|announcements]] page. ---- ===== MonoGameJam5 ===== Hosted by Jean-David Moisan [[https://itch.io/jam/monogamejam5]] --- //[[members:MrValentine:MrValentine]] 2023/11/18 04:04// ---- ===== Game Jam 17 RB Whitaker Discord Community Jam ===== Follow my progress on [[members:mrvalentine:game_jams:mrvalentine_personal_jams|my personal Jam page]]. --- //[[members:mrvalentine:MrValentine]] 2023/07/28 18:00// ----