====== Monogame ====== See the MonoGame page [[monogame:monogame|here]]. ====== Learning C# ====== See the C# page [[csharp|here]]. ====== Magazines ====== [[magazine:magazine|Visit the magazine page]] ====== MonoGame on the Web ====== I will collate content relating to using MonoGame in a browser [[monogame:monogameontheweb|here]]. ====== Game Jam Manual ====== [[gamejammanual:gamejammanual|Game Jam Manual]] ====== The Pillar of Linkages ====== [[monogame:pillar_of_linkages|See the links.]] ====== The Archive List ====== [[monogame:archives:umgrl|Visit the archived - yet to be filtered - list of useful links.]] ===== The Books ===== A list of recommended books for both C# and MonoGame [XNA] [[:books:books|Books]]. ===== The Tutorials ===== Yes, it is finally here, and yes this will be the text on this section for a long while until I eventually notice it and edit it in future. [[:tutorials:tutorials|Tutorials]]. ===== The Code Snippets ===== A section filled with standalone or extensive code snippets to aid in your development process. [[:code_snippets:code_snippet|Code Snippets]] ===== The Ferzkopp XNA Wiki Archive ===== Originally here https://ferzkopp.net/xnawiki/ will be propagated to [[:ferzkopp:ferzkoppxnawikiarchive|this page]]. ===== Tips ===== ==== Inserting Code ==== Use with a matching closing tag to get pretty code highlighting, users can then one-click copy the code block. Learn about options for available syntax highlights on the [[this_wiki:prism_settings|PRISM]] page. And learn more about adding code [[https://monogamecommunity.wiki/doku.php?id=this_wiki:site_structure#adding_code|here]]. ==== Announcements ==== Visit the [[announcements:announcements|Announcements]] page for the latest happenings. and to see how to add certain elements across the site. ==== Syntax on Site ==== Visit the [[wiki:syntax|Syntax page]] to learn how to format elements in your pages. ====== MrValentine ====== Visit my [[members:mrvalentine:mrvalentine|page]]. ---- ====== Honorable Mention ====== Developer Re-Logic - known for Terraria - has recently helped in the creation of the MonoGame Foundation, so, just out of thanks for that, I have included a link to their game here. https://store.steampowered.com/app/105600/Terraria/ We are not sponsored in any way by Re-Logic. ---- ====== Event Log ====== Will do my best to log events on the Wiki [[this_wiki:event_log|here]] ==== In service since: July 26th 2023 ==== ==== Domain is paid up until 26-Jul-2025 ==== ==== Hosting is currently covered on an annual basis ====