====== PRISM Settings ====== --- This page is locked. --- Version: Minified version Theme: Okaidia ===== LANGUAGES ===== I added what I believe the text to use inside the code block after the file size. Please use the [[Ask For Changes|Ask For Changes]] page if you can correct anything below. Markup + HTML + XML + SVG + MathML + SSML + Atom + RSS - 2.78KB markup | html | xml | svg | mathml | ssml | atom | rss CSS - 1.2KB css C-like - 0.69KB c JavaScript - 4.5KB javascript AsciiDoc Golmote - 4.33KB asciidoc ASP.NET (C#) nauzilus - 1.07KB dotnet BASIC Golmote - 1.79KB basic BBcode + Shortcode RunDevelopment - 0.44KB bbcode C zeitgeist87 - 1.85KB c C# mvalipour - 6.03KB csharp C++ zeitgeist87 - 2.54KB cpp F# simonreynolds - 72.07KB fsharp Git lgiraudel - 0.23KB git Ini aviaryan - 0.59KB ini LaTeX + TeX + ConTeXt japborst - 1KB latex | tex Lua Golmote - 0.58KB lua Markdown Golmote - 5.02KB markdown Solution file RunDevelopment - 0.67KB solution SQL multipetros - 3.18KB sql VB.Net Bigsby - 1.68KB vbnet Visual Basic + VBA Golmote - 1.86KB visualbasic | vba Wiki markup Golmote - 1.14KB wiki XML doc (.net) RunDevelopment - 0.3KB xmldoc ===== PLUGINS ===== Show Language nauzilus - 5.62KB Highlight Keywords vkbansal - 0.12KB Toolbar mAAdhaTTah - 2.88KB Copy to Clipboard Button mAAdhaTTah - 1.52KB --- //From the PRISM page:// Total filesize: 64.3KB (96% JavaScript + 4% CSS) Note: The filesizes displayed refer to non-gizipped files and include any CSS code required. --- Should you wish to request changes to the PRISM config file, please make a request on the [[Ask For Changes|Ask For Changes]] page. Note: Unable to add the funky features but I think syntax highlighting looking nice and clear, and the language being shown, and the copy to clipboard option is more than enough for the time being. ===== Learn More ===== The following link will preselect the settings this site uses. https://prismjs.com/download.html#themes=prism-okaidia&languages=markup+css+clike+javascript+asciidoc+aspnet+basic+bbcode+c+csharp+cpp+fsharp+git+ini+latex+lua+markdown+solution-file+sql+vbnet+visual-basic+wiki+xml-doc&plugins=show-language+highlight-keywords+toolbar+copy-to-clipboard