Table of Contents


Here you will find my contributions laid out in a collection of specific fields such as Base Code, Graphics, Sound, Input, etc..

Stepping Back

So, I think I have stepped down from gamedev officially.

But I will continue to support this community with the Wiki for as long as I can, I have given the project a 10 year lifespan, costs a lot but got to have a pet project right?

It is currently around half a year into its lifespan so, yeah, for as long as MonoGame is a thing, I will try to keep up, and keep information compacted and readily available for all to use.

I have finally started recovering from the recent sick spell, and now I have to get something going IRL.

If you are unaware the wiki can be found here:

I will try to continue the magazine - something which takes immense amounts of time - but could be worth it.

Happy Coding. :sake: :xna: :monogame: :pizza: [Originally posted to the Discord]

MrValentine 2024/01/14 00:21

Mini Blog

So that things don't get static on here, I decided to start a mini blog… just to update on my happenings concerning code and MonoGame…

Click Here to see the blog.

What is MonoGame in my own words

To me, MonoGame is a tool, much like bricks and timber used to build a house, a framework on which to construct upon, want a floor? add some beams, want a roof? add some slate tiles.

The primary focus here is MonoGame as a Game Engine Framework, not to be confused with a Game Engine perse.

You are required to gain basic knowledge of the base code and build from there. Want Sound? add music and sound effects as and how you please, want to utilise an external tool such as FMOD? Want a Sprite? Load one. You get the idea.

What is this whole site about?

As the start page likely states, I have always needed somewhere that was just a one stop shop for all my GOTO needs concerning coding with MonoGame. I would always spend more time hunting for that piece of code that did that one obscure thing, and then have to hunt further to fully understand the implementation. I aim to put a stop to that time wasting and collate all my knowledge here, and others are welcome to do the same.

How can you contribute?

Please, should you wish to contribute, join up and then use the request permission page to be added to a creators list.

Let's Talk About MonoGame

Setting Up MonoGame

Follow the guide on the Setting Up MonoGame page.

Anatomy of MonoGame Base Code

Visit the Base Code page for the Anatomy of MonoGame.

You should know

I am new to all this so do expect some inconsistencies here and there. I will do my best to spend time to reformat things over time, however, one day it will just become impossible.

I meant this wiki, I am still figuring out structure, trying to work it out early, as any changes down the line break a huge quantity of pages…


I will add my tutorials here as well as on the Global Tutorials list page.

I have decided to create a sub folder for my tutorials here:

My Tutorials Page


THE C# PLAYER'S GUIDE | RB Whitaker | | While not specifically MonoGame/XNA related, this is essential reading for any game dev using C# and XNA/MonoGame.

Come back often for updates.

Visit my External Links page to see a collection of links I have discovered which may be of use to you.

MrValentine's Assorted Links