====== ====== Event Log ====== ====== The event log is laid out in the latest entry at the top. ---- ===== 2024/08/19 ===== Updated and expanded https://monogamecommunity.wiki/doku.php?id=csharp --- //[[members:MrValentine:MrValentine]] 2024/08/19 04:41// ===== 2024/08/01 ===== Added FontStasshSharp to the [[monogame:pillar_of_linkages|Pillar of Linkages]] in the [[https://monogamecommunity.wiki/doku.php?id=monogame:pillar_of_linkages#game_development_related_start|Game Development Related]] section --- //[[members:MrValentine:MrValentine]] 2024/08/01 12:29// ===== August 2024 ===== ===== 2024/07/21 ===== Added an XNA Application Flow graphic to [[usefulimages:usefulimages|Useful Images]] --- //[[members:MrValentine:MrValentine]] 2024/07/21 10:42// ===== 2024/07/20 ===== Added months to the [[this_wiki:event_log|Event Log]]. THey are placed at the start of the month so you need to scroll up once clicked. --- //[[members:MrValentine:MrValentine]] 2024/07/20 14:10// Updated the [[members:mrvalentine:game_jams:game_jam_17_rbwhitaker_discord_mrvalentine|RB Jam 17 page]] to mention removal of Vimeo videos. --- //[[members:MrValentine:MrValentine]] 2024/07/20 14:07// ===== 2024/07/20 ===== Added new section [[code_snippets:code_snippet|Code Snippets]] --- //[[members:MrValentine:MrValentine]] 2024/07/20 01:43// ===== 2024/07/14 ===== Added new tutorial [[tutorials:tutorials|Tutorials]] --- //[[members:MrValentine:MrValentine]] 2024/07/14 23:39// ===== July 2024 ===== ===== 2024/05/26 ===== Added finalised edits on the first two tutorials [[tutorials:tutorials|Tutorials]] --- //[[members:MrValentine:MrValentine]] 2024/05/26 22:37// ===== 2024/05/23 ===== Fixed missing images on [[members:mrvalentine:game_jams:game_jam_17_rbwhitaker_discord_mrvalentine|Game Jam 17 2023 MrValentine's Participation]] --- //[[members:MrValentine:MrValentine]] 2024/05/23 23:00// ===== May 2024 =====