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September 2023

Note: the latest post will be at the bottom.

Tuesday 5th

So, here I am, writing about something I should be doing but doing otherwise, yay!

I felt guilty for going quite some time with no activity here, I should have had a lot of content uploaded by now, but here we are, I am currently reading RB Whitakers book, the C# Players Guide, which you can find on my landing page under recommended books, but blaming RB aside [just kidding] I am just shy of 170 pages remaining to complete the book, I am using it as a refresher through C#, as honestly things change so much between refreshers I needed a new one and bounced across RB's Book at just the right time.

So, basically I should be getting something up soon, in 1-2 weeks unless I can push past 16-32 pages per day, so many things have been distracting me lately, weddings, people wasting my time, myself, cooking, sleeping, the usual… so, I will aim to get more done here soon.

Thanks for reading, catch you soon!

MrValentine 2023/09/05 18:43

Thursday 7th

Slept two days in a row for 12 hours per day…… this heat is getting to me…

Wonder if anyone reading this bakes?

Back soon…

MrValentine 2023/09/07 23:52

Tuesday 12th

So, yesterday I had the idea to start a community magazine, which you can find here and as I had a headache due to two nights in a row of a neighbour having parties with the windows wide open for some reason and the need to be shouting for 5+ hours each night from 2am onwards. anyway, the headache is slowly subsiding, and I decided to take the tangent from studying to explore the idea of the magazine, I have some 12 pages locked in, I did have to restart from scratch because I forgot to test format layouts on my target platform for the magazine, The Kindle Scribe, but it is also designed for smart devices in general as well as desktop users too.

I may not be making much sense right now but just wanted to post an update as I felt it had been a few days now since the last one.

See you soon…

MrValentine 2023/09/12 10:52

Thursday 14th

You know, every time I enter the title here I have to check the clock on my PC…

So, I picked a really funny time to start a community magazine… Unity is having an exodus, reminds me of a great album by Utada Hikaru…

Anyway, I have 7 pages to finalise, and I am waiting on two pages of content from a new community member, a Unity developer, not entirely sure what they will be submitting yet but it pertains to the migration of Unity Developers… more at 11.

MrValentine 2023/09/14 23:49

Friday 15th

Would you look at that, I finished a magazine, I completed two pages that were kept spare for the two pages from a community member as mentioned earlier, I might just squeeze them in, somewhere, or put them where I had originally planned to.

More soon.

MrValentine 2023/09/15 08:52

OK, so the article was a bit too heavy a tone from the community member, so, I suggested it become a special or be hosted on the wiki.

Beginning to realise how big of a deal the magazine can become, as contributors can claim an article on their professional record……. welp, big weight…

MrValentine 2023/09/15 13:48

Sunday 17th

So, I am about to push for the launch of the MonoGame Community Wiki shortly and can say it is something which kind of scares me a little.

Let's Do This!

MrValentine 2023/09/17 16:22

Second Entry

I remember mentioning somewhere that I would be porting the links from the MonoGame Forum over to here, so I need to review the entire wiki for any references to that… woops… but I did create The Pillar of Linkages page.

MrValentine 2023/09/17 18:44

Friday 22nd

I had thought to keep the dates a th, but yeah, anyway… a lot has happened in the past two weeks…

Working hard on the magazines, still got 134 pages of RB Whitakers book to read…

More at Seven.

MrValentine 2023/09/22 09:47

Sunday 24th

I am making headway through RB Whitakers book, still some 117 pages to read through, I really want to get back to doing MonoGame code…

See you at eleven.

MrValentine 2023/09/24 19:49

Saturday 30th

Last entry for September, got the third Weekly Magazine ready for Monday, and beginning work on the second monthly Magazine… last time it took three straight sleepless days, I did sleep, but anyway, I want to spend a day here and there to bind it through a month so I will give that a go this coming week.

See you in October.

MrValentine 2023/09/30 12:59

members/mrvalentine/mini_blog/2023/september.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/26 13:31 by