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See the MonoGame page here.

Learning C#

See the C# page here.


MonoGame on the Web

I will collate content relating to using MonoGame in a browser here.

Game Jam Manual

The Pillar of Linkages

The Archive List

The Books

A list of recommended books for both C# and MonoGame [XNA] Books.

The Tutorials

Yes, it is finally here, and yes this will be the text on this section for a long while until I eventually notice it and edit it in future. Tutorials.

The Code Snippets

A section filled with standalone or extensive code snippets to aid in your development process. Code Snippets

The Ferzkopp XNA Wiki Archive

Originally here will be propagated to this page.


Inserting Code

Use <code csharp> with a matching closing tag to get pretty code highlighting, users can then one-click copy the code block. Learn about options for available syntax highlights on the PRISM page. And learn more about adding code here.


Visit the Announcements page for the latest happenings. and to see how to add certain elements across the site.

Syntax on Site

Visit the Syntax page to learn how to format elements in your pages.


Visit my page.

Honorable Mention

Developer Re-Logic - known for Terraria - has recently helped in the creation of the MonoGame Foundation, so, just out of thanks for that, I have included a link to their game here.

We are not sponsored in any way by Re-Logic.

Event Log

Will do my best to log events on the Wiki here

In service since: July 26th 2023

Domain is paid up until 26-Jul-2025

Hosting is currently covered on an annual basis

sidebar.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/20 01:42 by mrvalentine